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Online Marriage Preparation Course

Think of it as "Do-it-Yourself" Marriage Preparation
Because our course is downloaded from our website, You won't have to attend classes, you won't need to share the intimate details of your life with a counselor or minister.
You won't need to talk in front of a group of strangers.
It's just you, and your fiance, in complete privacy.
You're never left to fend for yourselves, but there's no minister looking over your shoulder.
Your answers are only ever seen by the two of you. It's a balance that works for 21st Century couples!
Our program covers all the topics you need to talk about. We guide you through the questions, give you other resources if you want more detail, and even stand ready to help, merely a phone call away, should you need us
A successful marriage involves working together through difficult issues.
Arm yourself with one of the best tools in
the wedding community.
The GOD Squad's award winning premarital counseling program is considered a
"MUST HAVE" for couples planning on getting married.

To "unlock" this informative course, please contact our Educational Department at: (901) 685-3205 and purchase the course

*(it's also a GREAT time to book your minister, if you haven't yet)
Once you obtained your password, click here to begin your journey together, and to begin this relationship-enriching course.
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